Are you managing your Paid Search SEM and natural or organic SEO the same you have a few months ago, or even last year? The “rate of change” cycle is now every few months when it comes to Google Algorithms, maintaining a high-level strategy can help maneuver the ever changing landscape of SEM and SEO with the latest time-saving advanced techniques.


Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM lets you

  • Get on that valuable 1st page results Google page (SERP) using Paid Search.
  • Get only the best quality and high-intent clicks to your website.
  • Expand your Keyword reach with Yahoo, Bing/MSN and many other Top Search Engines.
  • Explore expanded reach and scale, with advanced targeting techniques from Local, Merchant Feeds (PLA), Mobile, Display and Video channels, all from the same Data segments originating from your paid clicks.
  • Learn to automate the campaign management process, to save valuable time to develop other marketing channels.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO lets you

  • Gain valuable Keywords and Referral Insights on how your site ranks with Google for Organic Search.
  • Develop Content and Social keyword rich strategies to help improve your Rankings that can lead to more highly qualified visitors.
  • Measure and develop online Brand awareness that can help your overall marketing mix and ROI over time.
  • Avoid pitfalls of Algorithm penalties, that can hurt your sites chances of ever building an organic visitor base.